Saturday, June 3, 2017

Baby #2 is a .....


Justin and I were so excited to find out at my 19 week anatomy scan that baby Culotta #2 is officially a little boy! Around 14 weeks we visited our friends at the pregnancy resource center and they checked out everything going on inside due to a loss this past fall. Not only did they tell us everything was perfectly fine at the time, but that they saw some prominent "features" ;)

From the start of this pregnancy everything mirrored pregnancy with Harper so I was certain we had another girl on the way. Due to Harper being born early <36 weeks my new OB in Hermitage started me on weekly progesterone injections to help keep the little guy in until closer to my due date. As it turns out, I'm pretty allergic to the injections and deal with a lumpy, swollen back covered in hives for quite a few days after the injection. On top of that at the anatomy scan they diagnosed Placenta Previa. That means instead of being tucked away where babies normally are, he's basically sitting on the exit. Knock on wood I've been lucky enough to not experience any bleeding that is commonly associated with Previa. As a precaution my OB has me on strict "light duty" and pelvic rest. Right now I'm pushing 22 weeks, at week 28 I'll go back in for a repeat scan in hopes that the placenta has moved to where it should be. 

In the mean time we've been trying to prep Harper for her little brother. To be honest, I think we have a lot of work to do until she's ready as she's currently body slamming baby dolls.

As always, thank you to those friends & family who have been thinking of and praying for little baby L and the complications that have come along. Hopefully we will have some GOOD news in the next couple of months. Until then we're enjoying every healthy minute with him because we know things don't always go according to our plans.

Happy weekend!

J, A, H, L, & (bad)Kitty

Monday, May 15, 2017

Home Sweet Hermitage

Ironically enough my last post was following our house purchase and here we are moving again! I think I also said something along the lines of "and I'll be back to posting"....last September. But Life with a toddler. 

Not long after we bought our house we transitioned to fall and got lost in the Hallo-giving-mas-years rush and before we knew it January was here, I was newly pregnant with our second child, and Justin was job hunting. He was accepted into Sherwin William's training program and started in March. After a month and a half they called with an assistant manger offer and relocation package. We went crazy getting our house listed, packing, and setting up showings. For some reason I thought our house would just be really clean all the time and we would go out on adventures while a happy buyer visited our home. Right.

We ended up finding a townhouse to rent in Hermitage that is significantly larger than our house in Pittsburgh was. All of the rooms are huge with lots of space for Harper and the cat to destroy play in. We finally have somewhat of a backyard surrounded by tall pines and a magical little forest underneath. We are dying for it to hit 70 degrees here so we can hang lights and maybe a hammock! Our new community also has a pool within walking distance will be so nice during the hot summer days when I'm a pregnant blimp again.

As soon as we moved our first truck load into the house we quickly found our new favorite burrito shop (RIP Chipotle) and the local park. Within 24 hours of moving in a huge storm hit the area and we spent the whole second day without any electricity loading coolers full of food. We finally settled in just in time to celebrate Mother's Day weekend with Justin's PA side of the family on Saturday and mine on Sunday. One of the best parts of venturing out into new areas is getting to show the ones back home all of the places you've found on your own :)

Probably the best part of Justin's new job oppourtunity is that I can stay home with Harper now, something we didn't think would work out for a few years and we are so grateful! As usual that means there's other things in the works that I am so so excited to share. And no, I'm not selling lipstick or leggings with galaxy cats on them :)

Until next time,
