Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Hold on tight, life's a wild ride.

It's incredible how many twists and turns life can take you on. People let you down. People hurt you. And the moments you think you'll never survive become turning points. My best friend and I both had events occur that would change our futures forever within mere weeks of each other. We decided to only cry a little (hint: boys aren't worth it!) and then move forward......and live the hell out of life.

Girls days.....lots of them.

Fun times in Oakland.

 Fun weekends.

Which was followed up with a trip to WVU....

As well as many nights in Homestead.

Kept doing the bike shop thing.


Countless nights I'd hate to forget.

Got back out there....and loved it.

Watched my best friend become truly happy.

Pictures are worth a thousand words. Goodnight, world.