Thursday, April 7, 2016

Harper 6 & 7 Months

7 months?! Where has the time gone. Clearly, it's going fast because she's pushing 7 and a half months and we're just getting around to the 6 month update....HA. Since the last update, girlfriend has grown up so much! Crazy lady is rolling everywhere and getting into everything she reach with her chubby little hands. As you can see by our new board location, she will no longer sit on the couch. Or lay next to the board, or stay off of it.

Since the last time we were on here Harper has become an absolute wild woman. She's into everything and reaches for things the moment she sees them. I fear we may have an accidental shoplifter on our hands when she realizes she can grab things off of shelves. She's also stopped sleeping through the night. A normal night goes something like 7:45pm bath, 8:15 bottle then put in bed. 12:30-1:30am wake up and scream bloody murder for a bottle then I change her, put her back down, pump, and get back to bed by 3/3:30. She's usually up talking and kicking any time from about an hour after she's put back down until 4am but puts herself to sleep. Then anywhere from 5:30-7am is time to wake up for the day. She has also completely dropped naps again unless she's sleeping on me or one of her grandmas. Lady, REST! 

After 2 and a half miserable months we noticed her first tooth had finally broken through the night before her 6 month birthday. The next morning we rang in her half a year with strawberry jello cake only to notice a second tooth had cropped up right next to the other. Then we felt like jack wagon parents because we couldn't understand how one tooth could make her so miserable. Jokes on us.

After the teeth ordeal seemed to finally end, I took her to the pediatrician's office for her well visit and exactly 4 days later she woke up insanely sick. We went back and they confirmed bronchiolitis (infant bronchitis) and said they couldn't treat it with anything and her symptoms could last a month. Poor Harpie was miserable as could be and also had raging tummy problems which resulted in raging diaper rash, too. Her pouty face earned her as many bottles and snuggles as she wanted and within 7-10 days we were finally germ-free.

Six Months was about the time that her sleeping woes began, then around 6.5 months she finally started accepting food. We switched from rice to oatmeal cereal and it was a huge hit! Baby bird loves her food, I feed her 3-5 times a day and she screams if her mouth is open longer than a second and the "plane" hasn't landed inside. Ah, teenager attitude already. Other firsts include sitting up on her own & finally rolling to the right. She was stuck only going left at an angle, aka, making circles into furniture and crying. We wrapped up her half a year month with her first trip to the park. She was unsure in the swing but loved the slide....or whatever her BFF daddy was on.

In March, we celebrated Harper's first Easter. Holidays are so much more fun when you have kids, even if they have no idea what's going on! We kicked off the morning with some sparkly eggs, church, and then headed to nana and pap's with geema and pappy to open a million more baskets and eat too much chocolate. Harpie got to stay up past her bed time since Easter marked her 7 month birthday. As for Mr. Green boots and I, we spent the rest of the night cleaning the glitter from the eggs off of anything and everything. And eating more chocolate.

Another exciting first for Harper was saying "Dada". Her love affair with Justin has grown from cute to almost disgusting :) She lights up and giggles the second he walks in the door, likes to be thrown every which way by him and loves when he plays the guitar and sings to her. 

Every month (or two in this case) we say that we can't believe how fast this is going. It truly has been a blink of an eye since she was born and now our little swaddled burrito is trying to crawl. Time. Slow. Down. We can't wait to see all that month 7 has in store for you, Harpie!


Momma and Daddy in the green boots

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