Sunday, January 10, 2016

Four Months of Harpie

Somehow another month (& a half by the time I got around to write this) has passed! I think it's safe to say that every month is my new favorite. 3 months was a big turning point for Harper as far as alertness, sleep, and development but the 4 month mark has been the craziest!

We tried to get a happy picture but figured this is a pretty accurate representation for how she is now. Totally happy or oh hell to the no mad. She's generally happy but if she needs anything she let's you know right away. She's been that way since she was less than 2 months old but now we've added temper tantrums to that. If she wants to lay on her back and play instead of her belly, tantrum. If she's hungry and there's not a bottle in her mouth rightthissecond, tantrum. If you look at her on a weird day, mega tantrum. We also got a video of her new favorite tantrum when she's laying on the floor and can't roll over by herself. We sat back and laughed. I know what you're thinking, parents of the year. 

At 4 months I think we've finally turned a corner with tummy time, I don't know if it's her big belly or just how she is but she hated it until she figured out how to turn in circles. The belly bumper and boppy were both a huge help when she was learning how to hold herself up. As you can see she's still obsessed with books too. The crinklier, the better :)

Her first Christmas was so much fun! Not only was it her first, but it was the first year Justin & I got to wake up and share the morning together :) Harper was confused when we started handing her presents and toys but she ended up loving it. We all watched frozen for the first time at her Geema and pappy's house on Christmas day & like all girls, she was obsessed. We headed from Geema and Pappy's, to Nana and Pap's, to her great grandparent's house to visit with them and her Mimi and Pap- Pap....She's a spoiled girl with not two, but three sets of grandparents to love on her! After our busy December 25th we spent the rest of our 2 day "Christmas break" hanging out in bed watching netflix & trying to recover from the mass amounts of food (and milk) we all consumed.  

Developmentally, Harper is so close to rolling over but isn't quite there. She loves to hold your fingers she can pull herself up to sit and stand. I'm convinced this kid is never going to crawl and will skip straight to sitting & furniture creeping. When I pump she sits in her boppy to eat and tries to sit up. Independent is the name of the game with this one. As far as sleep we typically start bath time at 8:15, give her a bottle and put her down by 9\9:15. Unless she's sick or having a bad night with her teeth, she sleeps until 8am. The pediatrician confirmed my suspicions at her 4 month check-up that she is indeed working on two teeth. Unfortunately she got the miserable attitude, fever, and pink cheeks to go with it. Teething breaks my momma heart. For the past week she has also completely outlawed naps and takes 1-2 10 minute power naps on me after her bottle and then wakes up crabby. 

Her favorites this month are snuggling her blankies, burying her face in your chest and growling, dancing, having "conversations", throwing her body out of her bath seat & picking her nose like a beast :)

They're not kidding when they say each stage breezes by & brings its own challenges. She may have grown out of her colic stage but her demanding attitude is equally as challenging, especially when she is going all day long. Lawd help us when she's mobile. Despite your dramatic, spunky, LOUD personality, we love you so much miss Harper Lynn!

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