It's no surprise with a baby on the way life has been busy. So busy that I somehow lost a few weeks worth of weekly photos. oops. In the last post I mentioned our upcoming sonogram to check in on baby since she was measuring on the small side after our 28 week visit. We were scheduled to go at exactly 29 weeks. We went in nervous but optimistic that she was doing okay since she never. stops. moving. The minute the sonographer pulled her up on the screen she was kicking and moving just as we'd thought. Much to our surprise, we got to see her in the new 3D/4D imaging! She kept holding her face and never stopped moving her mouth....wonder where she gets it from :) Hubs even got a video of it. In addition to seeing her live and well we also got the news that she's not only healthy, but her due date would be pushed ahead a week! She was measuring a hefty 3.8ibs and 17.5 inches long (on 7/9/15). With the half a pound weight increase per week that puts her at an estimated 8.5-9ibs come birth day.
Come on, September 17th.
A week or so after the excitement of getting to see our little Culotta again, I came down with a stomach bug which landed me right back in the ER. Between the extreme morning sickness and our 20 week scare we were no stranger to the fluids and wait game. My shriveled veins couldn't take the IV and blew out the needles of the first and the blood draw which was just so fun. ha. Towards the end of our stay we were reassured once again that she was healthy and ready for her big arrival in a month or two. At then 31 weeks, her head was already in position and she was taking advantage of having her feet up to kick at both the fetal and uterine monitors. Since then I have been resting, hydrating, and working on getting together my hospital since we're only a short month out from "full term". But that's a separate post :) As for this week......
How far along? 32 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss? 28 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yep
Stretch marks? No
Sleep? I need about 12 hours a night and a nap, but thanks to baby flipping into position I'm up to pee every 45-60 minutes.
Best moment this week? Having the little boy I nanny ask if one of my boobs was another baby and coming home to a completely cleaned house courtesy of my hubba hubba hubby, go J.
Miss Anything? Restful sleep
Movement? Yes
Food cravings? Fruit, donuts, and starbucks.
Have you started to show yet? Yep
Gender prediction? It's a girl
Labor Signs? Braxton hicks every day or so
Symptoms? Insane rib pain and heartburn. Thank God for Pepcid.
Belly Button in or out? Out
Engagement ring on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to? Packing the hospital bag & setting up her nursery.
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