Sunday, August 23, 2015


36 weeks....Where has the time gone?! As we passed 1 month until the due date, I couldn't help but look back on "the dark days" as I now refer to them. Just tonight in my parent's living room, Justin and I reminisced on how many nights he came over after work and stayed with me and the kitties on the couch as I ran to throw up about a million times. For a couple of months that was our life, that and wondering what this little hell raiser would be like.

Now we're less than 4 weeks from meeting the little person, we know that "it" is a she, we've both felt her move.... a lot, we've gotten married, moved, set up the room that is now covered in pink (spoiler alert: we're waiting on 2 items to FINALLY post a nursery tour) and washed all of the outfits that we'll soon snuggle her chubby little body. It's quite the physical and emotional journey growing a baby, even for the daddies, The closer we get we could not be more excited to meet her!

How far along? 36 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? 28 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yep
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep? The past 3 weeks I've noticed a pattern where I can't sleep for 2 hours after I get in bed, I get up to pee all night long with a 2:30am run- no matter what. Also, the pregnancy dreams have been out of control. Example? Last night's old school military air raid nightmare that kept me up from 4:30 until  6am....
Best moment this week? Finally finishing up my wild schedule and focusing purely on baby prep, sleeping while I still can, and setting up work for after she arrives.
Miss Anything? Sleep. bending over to get anything, and riding bikes in the woods.
Movement? 24/7
Food cravings? Coffee, mandarin oranges, and breaded, butter-drenched fried chicken.
Have you started to show yet? Yep. A baby belly just screams to strangers "give me unwarranted parenting advice and never shut up".
Gender prediction? It's a girl
Labor Signs? I went almost a month with no BH. This week we're back to lower back pain, cramping, upper thigh pain, and feeling as though she may fall out any second. 
Symptoms? Everything above, horrible rib pain, and pain before I let down. Little did I know this could happen before the baby is even born....
Belly Button in or out? Out for the count 
Engagement ring on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy! Although lately the random tears have been popping out of nowhere. Poor Justin.
Looking forward to? Looking forward to and dreading our now weekly OB appointments. I'm excited to see if there's any changes and even more excited Justin is off and can finally go with me!

This week has consisted of TONS of preparations. Food prep, nursery prep, and getting everything clean for baby girl. We were so blessed by everybody who came to the shower and sent us gifts. However, the one thing we didn't get a lot of was clothes. This of course was just so torturous to do on our own :) This week baby gap is having a huge sale with an additional 35-40% and free shipping, even on sale items. They had the matching items to bows I'd bought a couple of months ago as well as a smattering of kitty items. Kitties are a favorite among the Culotta's and who doesn't love some cat ears as we move toward fall and halloween? Here are some of my favorites.

Along with dressing our little kitty, I've been playing around with some new recipes for quick dinners or breakfasts that I can prep the night before. Two of the favorites this week were homemade Primanti's sandwiches and overnight oats. They were both delicious! We're total breakfast junkies in this house so anything quick is a go, plus with my food allergies we can never go grab big sandwiches together. According to him, they were as good as the restaurant. Score. There's no link for the sandwiches because Justin came up with them on his own. However, I did use this slaw recipe. The rest of it went a little something like this:

4 slices of bread
4 Steak-ums meat slices seasoned with Montreal steak
a mound of coleslaw on top of the meat
as many french fries as you can fit
a slice of tomato
1 slice of pepper jack cheese (J is the only one that did this since I'm allergic)

Since being pregnant and switching jobs, cooking has become a fun thing to do when I'm home. I love experimenting! My mom has gotten quite a few phone calls around dinner time asking "can I use this in place of that?" and "isn't the expiration date just a suggestion?". Aside from my momma pinterest has been another life saver. On the roster for the next few days are crockpot tuscan chicken stewpumpkin cookiescrockpot wedding soup, and these apple cinnamon rings. If you couldn't tell by the lineup, I'm longing for fall and ignoring the 90 degree days we've been having. Every night when the temperature drops and you can smell campfire in the air it's just another reminder that the best time of year is almost here. 

Before the baby comes I want to prep a bunch of freezer meals but have no idea where to start. Any and all advice on how to do so would be wonderful. If you have some meals you can't live without I'd love to hear from you! Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

Thursday, August 13, 2015


The time has finally come! I have to say it's incredibly surreal gathering items and packing them up knowing that when you use them, it's game time. Today is the mark of 35 weeks (even though there's no 35 week progress photo yet, whoops) which means we are just a short 35 days from little Harper's due date! Yesterday was my second to last 2 week appointment, they're scheduled slightly off due to the fact that they were pre-booked before my due date was moved. Baby and momma both checked out well, her heart rate is still "happy" as the doctor always says and she kicked her hands during the measurements. I only put on 2 pounds since the last time but somehow gained FIVE INCHES. Holy mother. Doc says she's in position with her head down and my body is already starting to get ready for d-day. Our next appointment is in about 2 weeks and we're praying that after the exam they tell us a little something something is going on so we can meet her already!

I've rounded up a list of things that we'll be taking with us to the hospital. Some are for baby, momma, and even daddy. I'm just slightly obsessed with reading what other mommies have packed and getting advice from friends with kids. Any and all advice on what to bring and not to bring is welcome!

Starting off are the obvious things we'll need while we're there.

  • Tooth brush and tooth paste for both Justin and I.
  • Breath mints...because everybody knows your breath gets gnarly when you're nervous (bonus points if you can name that movie!)
  • Shampoo and conditioner
  • Face wash
  • Deodorant
  • Chapstick. I decided to get one that sounded super yummy considering I'm a total foodie and won't be able to eat the entire time I'm in labor....
  • A band spankin new pack of granny panties. Because if you've had a baby or have heard the details of what goes down from your overly honest friends, you just know. Leave the cute ones at home. 
  • Not pictured: feminine items. You get the idea.

For the daddy to be we have:
  • I'm the Daddy T-shirt. He sent me the link for this within 24 hours of finding out that I was pregnant so of course it made it on the list :)
  • Protein bars and powerade. If your husband is anything like mine, he's a big guy with a faster metabolism who can get hangry rather fast. Like grandma always said, keep them full and they'll be happy. 
  • Earplugs. Between nurses coming in and out and machines beeping these seem like a must.
  • Cigars. Because the guys have to celebrate!
  • Full change of clothes. In case labor takes a little longer than we'd like.
For myself:
  • Gray Knit Robe. This isn't the exact one pictured above. This is the Gilligan & O'Malley brand from target, mine is the Xhilaration one. Both are super soft and seem like a great alternative to the itchy hospital gowns.

  • Lace Nursing Bra. I already wear this everyday and it is the most comfortable bra ever! It helps alleviate rib pain from the new weight and changes going on up there. It's not your average Ugly Nursing Bra like the other one shown. However, both are super comfy!
  • Nursing Cami. Earlier in pregnancy before my belly got too big I tried on a few different brands and found this to be the most comfortable. Plus I'm a total sucker for gray and it comes in the perfect shade :)
  • 2 changes of clothes. One going home outfit (leggings and a loose t-shirt) plus a pair of baggy sweats and an old t-shirt.
  • Slippers

For Harper:

  • Flannel  and muslin swaddling blankets. Since the temperature in September can be unpredictable and hospitals tend to be chilly, I packed a light weight and heavier option.
  • Diapers. I know they say not to bother bringing these since the hospital will provide them. But at my baby shower there was a basket of diapers and markers for guests to write us "Late night diaper notes" so I covered my eyes and grabbed a stack so we can share a laugh or two at those first awful 3am changes.
  • Pajamas. They're no longer on the website, but the white ones shown above are from Carter's.
  • Coming home outfit. The leggings and onesie are both from target (the onesie isn't listed online). Gray headbandBaby moccasins from The Golden Polkadot. This company makes the BEST baby mocs around and they're much cheaper compared to some of their $50+ competitors. The sweet woman who makes them is selling and saving for infertility treatments to have her own squishy little baby. They're high quality and are super soft inside! Perfect for newborn feet.
We also have a list on the fridge with last minute items such as phone chargers, the boppy, his travel shower kit, my makeup bag, and our wallets with ID's and insurance cards. To make things easier, we're going to pre-register at the hospital to save time and avoid lengthy paperwork during labor. Also, due to my corn allergy (who knew IV lines and sutures contain corn starch?!) we're arranging a consult with the anesthesiologist to have a game plan on my file so everybody knows exactly what to do when it's game time. 

I apologize for the lengthy post, but through lots of help from fellow bloggers and friends we've compiled quite the list of "needs" for the big day. Hopefully this week we can get together a 35 week progress shot and put the finishing touches on the nursery to share with you all. Happy (almost) Friday!

Saturday, August 8, 2015


Last weekend all of the special ladies in my life gathered together at my parent's house to celebrate our little Culotta. My mom and mother-in-law threw the prettiest baby shower ever! We are beyond blessed to have such great family and friends who love us and our baby girl so much. It was an afternoon filled with lots of yummy food, laughs, and loads of pink. 
We are definitely feeling the love, thank you all!

Mint and lace maternity dress from Pink Blush Maternity online

As you can see from the photos, we've finally put baby girl's name out there. Miss Harper will (hopefully) be joining in less than 6 weeks! I cannot believe how close we are. Opening all of her beautiful gifts only helped make that all the more real. Speaking of, who knew you could make so many cute things out of diapers?! We received a diaper wreath, cake, flower bouquet, and diaper babies! Somehow I think we'll find a way to put them all to good use ;)

My crafty cousin, Laura, made this adorable board for Harper so we can document her growth and development each month after she's born. The even better news is she's opened an Etsy shop to sell personalized boards! Her shop name is LadyMayCreations, she makes and sells monthly infant and school aged grade boards with chore charts on the way!

All of the creative gifts got me thinking that the daddy-to-be needed a little something as well. He put up with holding my hair, late night food runs, and hearing the endless disgusting details about my body changing. Yes, I am not below shoving whatever body part has morphed into something else into his face and yelling "see!". That being said, he also needed a bigger tool box and travel mug. So why not make a daddy toolbox out of it? The boy in the green boots loved it :)

Last but not least, the weekly bumpdate. Apparently, this is the watermelon week where you go from cute and pregnant to a grumpy beast who resembles a blimp. Too much belly for you yet? 

T-shirt dress from Target

How far along? 34 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? 27 pounds, we'll get an exact count at OB appointment on Wednesday
Maternity clothes? Yep
Stretch marks? Not on my stomach, but I guess the tatas and bum are free game...
Sleep? I am still absolutely exhausted and not sleeping that well
Best moment this week? Where to begin! The baby shower, folding loads and loads of baby laundry, getting the nursery almost set-up, the list goes on and on.
Miss Anything? A good hard cider and campfire on the cool August nights we've been having
Movement? 24/7
Food cravings? Peaches, dark chocolate coconut ice cream, and iced coffee.
Have you started to show yet? Jokes.
Gender prediction? It's a girl
Labor Signs? Not so much. The braxton hicks have finally stopped
Symptoms? Insane rib pain and heartburn still
Belly Button in or out? Out 
Engagement ring on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy! 
Looking forward to? Seeing baby girl's growth at the OB appointment this week.