Whew! Over the past couple of months it seems as though the only thing that hasn't changed is my laziness with blog posts. Last summer (2014) while at an old friends house we reconnected with a middle school (?!) friend of ours, Justin. I don't know if it was the fact that it was 11pm and I'd had the worst 4th of July in history or if it was that we we're both heartless idiots but man....did I hate this kid. Somewhere along the line (about 2 weeks) I went from hating to liking him and the rest is history.
I got him onto mountain biking and we went every waking second. We were even that matchy couple.
It didn't take long for us to fall in love, or me to fall in love with his PA half of family! (Hello down south, John and Sandy!)
As winter set in at it's coldest, I officially took over as store manager of the bike shop I'd been working at. This was taken at a group ride, one of the last rides Justin and I would take for awhile. We didn't know it at this point, but a crucial member of our family was already with us!
Somewhere along the line (January-ish) I was enjoying a nice hard cidar (or 2...oops) before bed. I may not be a barstool warrior but I felt dizzy. Really dizzy. The next day I woke up....still dizzy.....that prompted me to hit the drug store. I knew there could only be one thing.
Sure enough! The first test and the next two confirmed that we were indeed expecting! I tried to contain the excitement to tell lover boy in some cute way, but ended up blurting it out in a target cleaning aisle. How does one contain this excitement for days, or even weeks? We immediately scheduled a visit to check on our little one.

That lead us to
Choices Pregnancy Center, a great organization to help out newly pregnant parents. What an experience that was. Due to our location, they automatically transferred us to their "Mobile unit" as opposed to their normal office location. The baby mission quickly turned into a secret mission when we were told we'd receive a call an hour prior to our appointment. Um, okay? I'm pretty sure the lady on the phone said "We'll be in the RV parked on the side of the road by the park in Oakland (in the city of Pittsburgh). We'll only need to remove a kidney from each of you....bring cash". Okay, so maybe the kidney part wasn't true. But everything else was spot on. On a cold February day, we roamed the streets of Pittsburgh looking for said RV. Sure enough, there is was across from the drug ridden park and sketchy 7Eleven....
nice. Long story short, we made it to the RV and got to see our little man or woman! This wasn't our first sonogram photo, that was done at 4 weeks and 6 days but didn't look like much. This was from our second RV voyage at 7 weeks 6 days.

We started having a lot of fun with this baby idea. This is what i refer to as my last "healthy" picture for the months to come. Almost three weeks after peeing on the stick I was overwhelmed with morning, noon, and night sickness. I'm talking 15-25 pukes a day people. On top of that I've also had insanely low blood pressure, on bad days around 80/60. Between that and barfing up everything, I was couch bound for about 2 months. I ultimately had to leave my job as I could no longer lift bikes or work the hours due to illness. For lack of a better word that sucked....big time. But baby's health had to take number one.

The next month or so was filled with a lot of the same. Justin worked extra hours and worked on his master's degree from home, after every long day he'd still come and stay with me. What a champ. Sometime in March he knew I was too sick and altered some secret plans of his. One night after barely dragging my butt out of the bath tub he met me in my room with a laptop. And a video. And a......
Ring! It was truly the most magical, surprising moment of my life (as you can tell by the unpolished nails, any girl that has hers painted is lying if she claims she "had no idea"). We were so excited we facetimed his parents who live the next street over, called his dad and mom in Florida, and called all of our friends. It was official! The Culotta's would be a family with one name this summer. We immediately jumped into planning mode. We'll be married June 6th, 2015. Outside. In the park we fell in love in and spent our days mountain biking in. Perfect!